You have been making it through the work weeks pretty well. You have been forcing yourself to endure the brain burning feeling and the off and on migraines so that you can continue to teach your classes and have even attended most of the faculty meetings. The weekends, however, are a different story. It is as if your body knows that your schedule is lighter on the weekends. What should be restful weekends at your family’s new lake cabin have turned into anything but relaxing. You still help the family pack up and travel the 45 miles to the weekend retreat by the water, but it never ends well. By Saturday evening, you are in so much pain your husband has to carry your limp body up the stairs. After a few hours of head pain that makes you cry, and sometimes scream, your husband loads you into the car and it is back into the city for another visit to the ER. So far the emergency room tests have not found a source for your pain.
Maybe it is time that you made a regular appointment to see a neurologist to see if you can finally find some relieve. Finding a doctor that specializes in pain discovery and treatment might not be easy, but it is necessary. Questions to ask a neurologist include:
- What tests can we run to find out what is causing my pain?
- If I have MS what does this mean for me?
- Can I take vitamins and use alternative therapies such as acupuncture?
- What kind of exercises would benefit me?
- Are there any dietary changes I need to make?
- If I do have MS, how do I know if i’m having a relapse and what should I do if i’m having one?
Knowledge is powerful, and while it can also be frightening, it does you no good to avoid the hard questions to ask a neurologist, or any other medical professional that you visit. Getting the information you need to help you make informed decisions is crucial to your health, as well as the comfort of your family. No matter what your symptoms or conditions, it is always important to do your own research before finding a medical specialist. Preparing a list of questions to ask a cardiologist is different from the list of questions to ask a neurologist. Let your symptoms guide you in your preparation.
Preventative medicine is the key to good health. Before you find yourself in a desperate situation, make sure that you are following basic health guidelines and that you understand the importance of routine check ups. When you realize that one in three people in the U.S. are obese, you should also realize that taking charge of your own health is the best way to avoid health risks. For example, heart disease is the leading cause of death for both males and females. What are you doing to reduce your heart health risks?
In the year 2010, 129.8 million Americans made trips to emergency rooms. What steps are you taking to avoid this statistic?