There are a few different AZ Medicare plans available that seniors can choose from. If you want to compare the different AZ Medicare plans you can do so on the internet now. Thanks to the implementation of Obama care, AZ Medicare plans may be a little different than before. For instance, Az medicare plan for Part B will now include a Free Annual Wellness exam. So in other words a senior can go in and get a check up every year.
If you are a brand new Medicare recipient you are supposed to be entitled to an initial physical for free too. However, you have to have the physical done within the first year of enrollment in AZ Medicare. They call this the “Welcome to Medicare” physical or the “wellness” physical if you go to a doctor who accepts Medicare. This is part of the preventative benefits that are new to AZ Medicare plans.
Another change coming up in the Medicare plans involves paying a co payment and a Part B deductible in some instances. If you are enrolled in AZ Medicare Part B and you are a smoker you will also be able to get up to eight counseling visits to help you quit smoking. If you are taking drugs to quit smoking they will not be covered under the new AZ Medicare plan. Many other changes are scheduled to take place too.
If you are new to Medicare or if you have it already you will want to find out all about the changes that will be taking place. The insurance companies are going to have more information for anyone that wants to know about the changes coming to AZ Medicare plans. The different insurance companies have various premium for their benefit plans. It is advisable for anyone that is going to be signing up for AZ Medicare to find out all they can about it before hand. That way they can shop for different insurance policies to compare plans.