It’s a common experience: You’re trying keep yourself or your family healthy. You’ve been around the block, medically speaking, and have tried nearly everything your doctor has thrown at you. Despite all the attempts to remedy what ails you, the problem persists, whether it’s a recurring migraine or debilitating insomnia. You’re understandably frustrated.
When it seems like traditional medicine can’t help you, it may be time to search elsewhere. If the above paragraph describes an experience similar to yours, it may be time to look into alternative ways to stay healthy.
Below are some common maladies and suggested alternative treatments. These treatments are not intended as cures, but as a way of managing your symptoms and improving your quality of life.
Migraines can be relentlessly persistent. More than half of migraine sufferers experience one or more migraine per month. 13% claim one or more migraines per week. Migraines can also present other health problems. Depression is three times more likely in people with severe migraines than in healthy people.
If you’re dealing with migraines, consider turning to herbal remedies. Feverfew (also known as Tanacetum parthenium) is related to the daisy and is a popular herbal remedy for migraines. There are also scientific studies supporting its effectiveness in treating migraines. Feverfew, like many herbal remedies, can be consumed in the form of tinctures or teas. They can also be taken in capsule or tablet form.
It’s important to note that less than 50% percent of migraine patients consult a physician. If you regularly experience severe migraines, it’s good to look at all of your options.
Anxiety afflicts 18% percent of the U.S. population, or 40 million adults aged 18 and older.
Like migraines, anxiety can treated or managed with certain herbal remedies, such as lavender and chamomile.
Exposing your body to sunlight will help boost your vitamin D levels which reduces anxiety. Increasing your vitamin D levels by taking vitamin capsules is also an option. Exercising regularly will also help reduce your anxiety. These remedies also have the added benefit of reducing symptoms of depression as well as anxiety.
Although anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses, it is also one of the most treatable. Despite this, an estimated one-third of sufferers ever seek treatment. As mentioned above, it is always good to assess all of your options.
Do you have trouble sleeping? You’re not alone. It’s estimated that 50 to 70 million Americans have a sleep or wakefulness disorder.
If you’re looking for natural remedies for insomnia, look no further than these: Valerian and melatonin. Both of these can be found at health food stores and pharmacies. Valerian is a sedative herb while melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle.
As with anxiety insomnia can be improved with exercise. 45 minutes of aerobic exercise daily has been shown to help with insomnia.
*One downside of herbal remedies is that they can’t be taken by everyone. If you are pregnant or on a specific medication, the herbal medicine may be ineffective or even cause health problems.