There are plenty of rewards that come with being an athlete. For one thing, you get to pursue the game you love; and if you’re able to compete on a professional level, you actually get to have a job in a field that you enjoy. But whether you’re just starting out as an athlete or an experienced pro, you should know that there is a gradual wear and tear on the body that occurs within virtually every sport. Obviously, some sports involve more contact than others — football players are known for the injuries they regularly sustain on the field. But you can just as easily develop injuries over time, rather than in a split second; sports like tennis and even golf have been known wreak havoc on athletes’ bodies over long periods of time. The severity of sports injuries vary greatly. Some require a bit of training and short-term treatment, with the affected players returning to the field sooner rather than later. Other can be career-ending. But a career-ending injury isn’t a life-ending injury, as devastating as they may be in the moment. It’s important for athletes to keep up with their health, not just to sustain their careers, but to ensure that they have healthy and happy lives after their athletic careers are over. This is why it’s important for athletes to visit sports medicine clinics, where the physicians and physical therapists specialize in sports physiology. Below, we’ll look into a few of the different treatments that athletes from a variety of different backgrounds may encounter over the years.
1. Joint Replacements
Obviously, we’ll start out with the most extreme treatment first. Many athletes cannot continue competing after a joint replacement, though this isn’t always the case. Typically, the stressors that can lead up to this kind of orthopaedic surgery occur over the course of years, and can be prevented. But over time, it can become impossible to avoid this kind of treatment; and it’s important to note that while it can initially be shocking and difficult for an athlete to process, a joint replacement is meant to save your overall mobility. Usually, things like MRI scans will be required leading up to this kind of surgery, and it will be followed up with physical rehabilitation. Joint replacements are more common than you might think, with the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reporting that 4.7 million Americans were living with artificial knees in 2014, and in that same year 2.5 million Americans were living with artificial hips. And while you may have to retire from competing after a joint replacement, you can still be active and take part in physical activity. Running is recommended to recipients of knee replacements, for example. With one in seven Americans living with orthpaedic impairments, it’s important to look beyond the initial shock and adjust to living with a joint replacement — and living life to its fullest.
2. Physical Therapy
Now, if you want to cut down on stress to your body and prevent the need for the above treatment, you may want to consider regular physical therapy. Physical therapy isn’t just for those who have sustained sudden injuries. It can be incorporated into your regular routine. If you’re an athlete in contact-heavy sport in particular, regular physical therapy — as well as regular MRI scans to check up on your internal health — can help your body relax and better cope with the stress sports put on it.
3. Pain Management
It’s crucial that you don’t ignore pain, as tempting as that may be for athletes. Severe pain should be checked up on through MRI scans and other procedures, but sometimes even bad pain can simply be the result of a build up of stress. Sports clinics can do more than examine you with high tech procedures like MRI scans; they can also help you manage pain through medication and lifestyle changes. This way, you can be at your best without gritting your teeth and bearing the pain.