Although there is no cure for Bipolar Disorder, there are a number of effective treatments for managing bipolar symptoms. If you suspect that you are suffering with bipolar symptoms, it is important to first get a diagnosis. There are many other conditions that could mimic the symptoms, so it is necessary to first consult with a psychological professional. After a bipolar diagnosis is made, the following treatment recommendations will likely be made.
Regular appointments with medical professionals
If you are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, it is likely that you will be referred to at least two medical professionals. The first, a mental health counselor or psychologist will help you deal with the psychological component of the disorder. They will use techniques like talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy to overcome the depressive symptoms of the mental health disorder. Bipolar depression is often the most prevalent and persisting of symptoms so immediate bipolar depression treatment is needed.
The second medical professional that you are likely to be referred to is a psychiatrist. Mental health counselors and psychologists usually do not prescribe medications and an important component of bipolar treatment is regulation medication. Figuring out the exact dosage to regulate mood and prevent depression or manic episodes is important, so it is possible that you will visit with your psychiatrist many times initially. After you find a dosage that works for your symptoms, your visits will become less frequent and will be more about medication management.
The importance of maintenance
After you are placed on medication and begin to see an improvement in symptoms, the bipolar treatment goal becomes effective management of symptoms. Your mental health counselor or psychologist will play an important role in this goal. They will provide you with tools that help you evaluate your current condition and symptoms. Your bipolar treatment maintenance might include regular bipolar depression tests, bipolar assessments for manic feelings, and bipolar disorder self management tools. Some of these bipolar treatment tools are keeping a journal to monitor feelings, avoiding situations that are too stressful, and regularly testing for bipolar symptoms.
Understanding medication adjustments
Some patients believe that once their medication for bipolar treatment has shown success, that it will always be successful. However, there are many things that can adjust and interfere with the success of the medication. Going through a stressful like change can require a medication adjustment. Even going through normal developmental and hormonal changes can throw off the balance of the bipolar medication. For these reasons, it is extremely important to notify your mental health professionals of any changes in your mood. Waiting too long can send you on a spiral of bipolar symptoms. Informing your psychiatrist early on can allow them to make the necessary adjustments and avoid any problematic symptoms.
Track your own changes
Another mistake that bipolar patients make is relying on their mental health professionals to keep track of their symptoms and success medications. Because bipolar disorder is a difficulty of regulating emotions and moods, it is also important to track your own changes. Keeping a journal or calendar, for example, can help you identify changes. It can also help you to associate certain patterns with your emotions. Do you struggle with depressive thoughts during high work volumes? Do you experience the fewest symptoms while at work? Evaluating and taking note of these changes in your mood and symptoms can help your mental health professional treat you more effectively.
Bipolar disorder is an imbalance of emotions often caused by hormonal imbalances. The goal is to regulate the hormones and the emotions, thus creating a more stable mood. Obtaining a diagnosis is the first step in treatment. After that, working with mental health professionals closely and tracking your own changes is the best way to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder.