Skin Cancer Is On The Rise Essential Sun Protection Tips To Reduce Your Risk In 2019

Skin Cancer Is On The Rise Essential Sun Protection Tips To Reduce Your Risk In 2019

Health and Fitness April 29, 2019

Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Wouldn’t you want to give it the best possible chance at being healthy?

It seems like there’s always something trying to bring our skin down. Harmful UV rays while you’re out playing soccer. Hormonal changes that cause adult acne to erupt out of nowhere. The onset of age contributing little more than wrinkles and age spots to your otherwise flawless constitution. When you’re tired of over-the-counter products not doing their job, a dermatologist can get to the root of the problem and provide solutions.

Before you talk to dermatology specialists about different skin concerns, consider reading below and learning about what can be done in the meantime.

Reduce Your Risk Of Skin Cancer With Sun Protection

You hear a lot about skin cancer in the day-to-day. One tanning salon gets shut down because of its contribution to skin cancer, another person finds they’ve failed to protect from the sun and have developed symptoms…one way or another, it feels like the sun’s out to get you. While a little bit of sunlight is perfectly healthy, too much can have the opposite effect. It’s been found one out of five Americans will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they’re 70. Between 70% and 80% of melanomas are found on seemingly healthy skin.

Cut Into Aging With Careful Sun Exposure

Did you know most signs of aging come not from getting older, but too much sun exposure? Alongside reducing your risk of skin cancer you can also keep wrinkles and age spots at bay. For optimal skin care and protection Americans of all skin types are highly recommended to use zinc oxide or titanium oxide sunscreen. While having very dark skin can reduce your risk of shallow sunburns, there is still a risk of developing skin cancer without a protective barrier. It’s all about safety when it comes to skin care.

Keep Adult Acne At Bay With Better Dietary Habits

When you have stubborn acne cropping up without any signs of stopping, it’s possible you have a hormonal adult acne problem. Acne affects over 50 million Americans every year, making it the most common skin condition by a landslide. Cystic acne is caused not by dirt or sweat, but hormones that cause the body to produce excess oils. While only a dermatologist can provide you a solution, there are steps you can take to reduce the severity. Cut back on dairy, mop excess oil off your face with clean rags, and make sure to stay hydrated.

Ask A Professional About Psoriasis And Eczema

Does your skin constantly flake and itch? Are you trying to get rid of dandruff with little to no success? Nearly eight million Americans have psoriasis, according to recent studies on skin care, and eczema remains one of the more common issues brought to dermatologists. Over-the-counter shampoos can temporarily dampen symptoms, but long-term relief can only come with the aid of a dermatologist. In the meantime make sure to dry your scalp fully if it becomes wet and try to keep from breaking the skin when itching.

Talk To A Dermatologist About Your Symptoms

There’s always something you can do about your skin. Alongside better sun protection and improving your diet there are dermatologists who can provide you answers. The global skin care market is expected to reach an impressive $180 billion once 2024 comes around. Melanoma treatment for skin cancer, acne scar treatment, and psoriasis remain the most common requests today. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask yourself what can be done about less common issues.

Your skin protects you. Look after it in turn with the aid of dermatologists.