Are you someone looking for ways to stay looking as young on the outside as you feel on the inside? If so, you aren’t alone. Thousands of people just like you all across the country are searching for their best option. The good news is that many options exist and are becoming more advanced each and every day. Below is a bit of information on just a few of those options:
1. Botox – So what is botox anyway? Botox is actually a protein that is used in the cosmetic industry to drastically reduce wrinkles. Botox has continued to grow in popularity since its release because of the nearly instant results. Essentially a doctor injects botox into areas of the body that the patient chooses and within 5 days to 2 weeks the wrinkles disappear. In the United States today the average age of a person who receives botox injections is between 40 and 59. Health risks are extremely low when it comes to botox which keeps its popularity high. So high in fact, that groups of friends will host a botox party where a doctor comes to give injections to several people at once.
2. Laser Hair Removal – Another hugely popular anti-aging option is laser hair removal. The procedure itself involves a tiny laser beam producing heat aimed a a hair in which eventually blocks the hair follicle?s ability to re-grow new hair. Women often use laser hair removal on their upper lip, chin, and bikini line, whereas men choose the procedure for their back, shoulders, and chest. One thing’s for sure: people are happy with the results of laser hair removal. In fact, studies show that nearly 90% of laser hair removal patients said they would invest in the procedure again.
3. Chemical Peel Treatments – An up and coming cosmetic treatment that can dramatically reduce wrinkles, acne scars, dark spots, and roughness caused by years of sun is the chemical peel. A chemical peel treatment involves physicians applying certain chemicals to the face, neck, or hands of the patient in order to remove any damaged outer layers of the skin. If you are not happy with certain discoloration or facial scarring from years of acne that you dealt with you may be a good candidate for a chemical peel treatment.
You work hard, eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and drink plenty of water. You feel great, but your skin doesn’t show it. It doesn’t have to be that way! Consult with a doctor about what issues are bothering you the most and what advice they have to offer. Whether it’s wrinkles that botox can fix, unwanted hair that can be alleviated with laser hair removal, or dark spots on your neck and hands that a chemical peel can help with you can find an option for your situation. Ask a doctor what treatment is best for you. You’ll be glad you did!