At this point, it is almost impossible to avoid news of the many health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids: this essential fat has been linked to everything from decreased depression to better mental skills and reduced inflammation, offering plenty of reasons for everyone to ensure that their diet is high in omega-3s. To help meet the recommended daily quota of 500 mg, many people take fish oil pills, a supplement that is easily added to any routine. However, some people are now saying that the supply of fish oil may be at risk.
Fish oil supplements are typically made from fatty fish, one of the major sources of omega 3 fatty acids, meaning that fish oil benefits are equal to eating foods with a high concentration of omega-3. However, the purification process for fish oil not only removes the taste of fish but also any toxins, such as mercury, that might have affected the fish itself. This makes fish oil pills a great choice for many people. Unfortunately, one of the main types of fish used to make fish oil is currently in limited supply: this year’s supply of anchovy from Peru was significantly lower than expected. As a result, many industry experts have warned that fish oil may become very expensive, or the products themselves may become unavailable.
Currently, a new survey of the area is underway to test Peru’s local population of the fish, as projections of fish oil prices suggest the product could reach $2,500 per metric ton. However, economists have warned that prices cannot be finalized until sellers negotiate the situation with buyers in China.
Anchovies, of course, are not the only fish that can be used to create fish oil: salmon, tuna and sardines also yield fish oil benefits. But because anchovy are used to feed salmon and also comprise a significant amount of the fish oil supply themselves, the price and availability of this product may be at risk. While nothing is certain, now might be the perfect time to stock up on this omega-3 product before prices rise.