In the United States, approximately 25 million individuals currently experience urinary incontinence. Throughout the world, it is estimated that 200 million people are experiencing this issue at some level. While this condition affects women more often, roughly 20% to 25% of the American population with incontinence are men.
Types of Urinary Incontinence
There are different types of urinary incontinence. In addition to stress incontinence, there is urge incontinence. Approximately 30% of the individuals that experience incontinence have the latter type.
Currently, 1 out of every 3 women have some type of pelvic floor disorder such as weak pelvic muscles or stress incontinence. By 2050, predictions indicate that 41.3 million women will be dealing with either stress or urge incontinence.
Incontinence Rates for Women
Incontinence rates do tend to increase with age. While around 20% to 30% of younger women will experience incontinence, 30% to 40% of middle-aged women will. Older women experience incontinence at an increased rate of 50%.
Treatment Avoidance
It’s important to note that just 1 out of every 12 people with urinary incontinence seek medical assistance or treatment for this issue. Furthermore, women that experience these symptoms will wait an average of 6.5 years from the onset before obtaining a diagnosis.
It’s unclear why so many individuals avoid seeking treatment. It’s possible that some may believe this issue will resolve itself on its own without intervention. Others, however, may be afraid that their incontinence is a sign of a more serious issue. As a result, they may not feel prepared to face a serious diagnosis.
The Importance of Seeking Medical Treatment
It’s unclear why so many individuals avoid seeking treatment. It’s possible that some may believe this issue will resolve itself on its own without intervention. Others, however, may be afraid that their incontinence is a sign of a more serious issue. As a result, they may not feel prepared to face a serious diagnosis.
The Importance of Seeking Medical Treatment
When someone experiences bladder problems, it’s important to obtain a medical diagnosis. Since there are a variety of possible causes for this issue, a medical professional should be consulted in order to rule out serious underlying conditions. Furthermore, having a proper medical diagnosis can also reduce the stress associated with not knowing.
Treatment Options
There are treatment options available for urinary incontinence. In addition to medication for urinary incontinence, some women may benefit from using a pelvic floor muscle stimulator to address weak pelvic muscles and other issues. Bladder incontinence products are also available to handle leakage.