In our modern world, there is the need for local std testing. But more than just the need for STD testing, we want a facility that can perform the necessary tests, perform them discreetly, and do so as quickly as possible.
One of the venues through which we can now have these tests done is the urgent care center. This is a type of practice that is seeing an explosion in growth throughout the United States right now. Right now in America, there are more than 6,700 urgent care centers located throughout the country. Many of these urgent care centers are located in free-standing buildings. There are also many others that are located in strip malls or attached to other business buildings.
It is estimated that roughly three million patients visit an urgent care facility every week for a variety of reasons. Many come down with the flu or a common cold, but many others are treated for injuries like sprains or broken bones. What has changed about this type of medical practice is the fact that technology has been improved to the point where doctors can have the equipment they need to treat patients with various types of ailments instead of having to refer them to the emergency room of a hospital or another doctor for medication distribution. Urgent care facilities are much more than the patchwork clinics they once were; they are a full-scale practice.
Because of this ability to treat patients with many different types of medical issues, urgent care centers have become the preferred venue for many to get their local STD testing taken care of. It is quick, confidential, and very easy to do.
People sometimes find themselves in situations where they need local STD testing done but, at the same time, their lives don’t stop. They still have to get up, go to work, and live their very full lives. When an urgent care facility can handle local STD testing, they can get a patient in and out in relatively no time at all.
A recent survey by The Urgent Care Association of America showed that 57% of patients wait no more than a quarter of an hour to be seen by a medical professional and 80% of patients are out of the office in 60 minutes or less.
The next time you need local STD testing, try giving an urgent care center a look.