While the rest of the United States associates fall and winter with cold temperatures, dry air and brisk winds, the south can still expect plenty of sunny, warm days to come. This means that while dermatologists in colder locations are suggesting that their patients invest in moisturizers and other skin care products, the best dermatologists in tropical climes are busy reminding people to keep protecting their skin from the sun. After all, in a time when around one in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives, taking measures to prevent sun damage could save your life. Keep these fall and winter sun safety tips in mind these coming months: your skin will thank you.
Invest in the Right Sunscreen
If you ask a dermatologist for a sunscreen recommendation, they will likely tell you that you should chose a formula with an SPF rating of at least 30, which will protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Make sure you apply the product to every part of your body that will be exposed to the sun, especially the left side of your face: dermatology and skin cancer specialists often report finding more cancerous lesions on the side of the body exposed to the sun while driving. You can also invest in UV-protective film for your car windows and sun-blocking clothes with a UV rating of 30 or higher.
Eat Right
While protecting against skin cancer should be one of your main concerns, you should also be wary of the other signs of sun damage, namely wrinkles and age spots. To keep skin looking young and healthy, the best dermatologists suggest eating a diet that can minimize these signs. Look for foods that are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C, such as carrots, tomatoes, blueberries, peas, beans, fatty fish, nuts, and citrus.
Try Preventative and Reparative Products and Treatments
While the best thing you can do is start regularly applying sunscreen, a variety of products and treatments can also be used to treat existing damage. Exfoliant creams can be used to remove dead skin cells, while laser treatments can stimulate collagen formation, helping to smooth away any wrinkles. Laser therapy can also be used to treat pre-cancers and existing skin cancers, but this treatment should be first discussed with your dermatologist.
To someone from the Northern U.S., the idea of protecting skin from sun damage during the fall and winter might seem laughable, but to people in southern states, it is extremely necessary to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer. If you are worried about existing sun damage, a visit to the best dermatologist in your area will likely be able to prescribe a treatment to help. But even if you have no concerns at the moment, don’t forget your sunscreen to prevent future problems from harmful UV rays! Read this for more.