An unhealthy relationship with food can manifest itself in a variety of ways, many of them unhealthy and dangerous. For individuals who look to food as a source of comfort during stressful or lonely times, for instance, this unhealthy food relationship can result in severe weight gain and unhealthy body fat. For individuals who look to food as a way to gain control of their lives, on the other hand, this unhealthy relationship with food can turn into anorexia or other dangerous conditions. For people at both ends of this spectrum, the answer might be found in seeking medical weight management advice. By consulting with weight loss doctors or other eating disorder specialist, an individual might be able to find greater success in addressing an eating or weight challenge.
Could a Medical Weight Management Program Help You Lose the Unhealthy Pounds That You Carry?
Unfortunately, weight control is a problem for many Americans. In fact, the latest research indicates that more than one-third of U.S. adults are obese, and another one-third are overweight. As more and more studies indicate that fad dieting and yo yo weight loss throughout life can lead to major health problems, you may find it necessary to consult with a medical weight specialist to get the control that you need. Trying to get through life when you are seriously overweight can be both physically and mentally unhealthy. Facing the challenge of making your way through public spaces and using public transportation, for instance, is enough to force some people to limiting going out at all. Compounding the problem, these individuals may physically remove themselves from friends and family members who might be able to provide support.
It is no mistake that weight loss has even found its way into prime time television. The real life drama of individuals trying to shed hundreds of pounds on shows like The Biggest Loser, for instance, garner record numbers of viewers. Tracking the success and failure of average people as they make their way through the weight loss journey, it seems, can be as addictive as food itself. In all of these shows, however, one thing is constant. The participants work with some kind of physical trainer as well as being guided through a medical weight management program that attempts to help these individuals create a more healthy attitude and relationship with food and weight loss. Weight loss for some individuals has been a life long struggle. A struggle that cannot be solved without some kind of medical intervention.
Is Your Food Obsession More About Control Than Hunger?
At the complete other end of the spectrum, some individuals find themselves in a dangerous situation because they actually weigh too little. For these people, however, their weight problems can be just as serious as the the people who way too much. Creating gall stones, infertility issues, and other health problems, limiting the number of calories that you eat to dangerously low levels can also create problems. For some individuals in this category, the problems come after a healthy amount of calories are consumed. In an effort to regain control after eating what they perceive as too much, for instance, these individuals resort to excessive amounts of exercise or purging to take an unhealthy control over their bodies.
Often seen in females who are overly concerned about perfection, the problem of being too thin and consuming too few calories is a dangerous relationship with food. When, for instance, it feels like a young girl cannot control the stress at home or between parents, some teenage girls feel like they can instead take control over the food that they eat.
Never happy with their appearance, no matter how thin they are, these individuals can set themselves up for as many, and in some cases more, health problems as people who way too much.
Finding the right medical weight management program can be a matter of life or death for individuals who have dangerously created a habit of limiting calories. No matter where you fall on this spectrum, it is important you take control of the situation. Frail individuals who do not have enough energy to get through the day and overweight individuals struggling with not having enough energy may both need medical help.