Behind Male Pattern Baldness And How To Treat It

Behind Male Pattern Baldness And How To Treat It

Health and Fitness May 14, 2018

Hair loss can be a distressing experience for many. Fortunately, advancements in medical treatments offer hope for those seeking to restore their hair. Understanding your options can help you to make an informed decision. Losing your hair at any age is not something you must accept. There are hair loss treatment options that are effective and affordable.

Scalp rejuvenation is a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of hair loss. Treatments like PRP or FUE, or platelet-rich plasma, have gained popularity for their potential to stimulate hair growth. This procedure involves extracting blood, processing it to concentrate platelets, and then injecting it into the scalp. The procedure stimulates new hair growth. It can promote natural hair growth.

Scalp rejuvenation is a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying causes of hair loss

While PRP shows promise, it’s essential to understand that the cost of PRP hair treatment can vary depending on factors such as how many PRP for hair treatments are needed for hair to grow. Typically, multiple treatments are needed to achieve optimal results.

This non-invasive method is considered more affordable than traditional hair transplant treatments. There is no down or recovery time, and the change is much more natural than traditional hair replacement. It’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional to determine the most suitable treatment option for your individual needs.

If you are a man in the United States, it is more likely than not that you will begin to lose your hair as you reach middle age – and for some people, even before. Of the total population of men in all parts of the United States, around thirty five million are experiencing hair loss to some extent, though the severity of said hair loss will vary from man to man. By the time that they reach the age of thirty five, more than half of all men will already be experiencing hair loss, and by the age of fifty five, this number will increase up to eighty five percent of all men.

There are a number of reasons for hair loss in men and women too (as women can experience hair loss as well, and more than twenty million women in the United States are in some stage of the progression of hair loss). For one, alopecia is a huge cause of hair loss and be caused by a number of autoimmune conditions. Medications can also cause hair loss, too. But primarily, for ninety five percent of men in the United States, hair loss is mostly genetic. Unfortunately for most men, the balding that they experience is hugely influential for their self esteem, and many many men are desperate to have a full head of hair again. As much as nearly half of all men who are balding are willing to spend large sums of money – even their entire life’s savings – in order to reverse the effects of their balding.

Fortunately, there are a number of options for balding men and women alike. A FUSS hair transplant is common among hair surgeons and involves the removal of a strip of the scalp from the back of the head, where hair is typically still thick and plentiful. the hair strip is then implanted in an area where balding is present. Though this method has relatively high success rates, it involves a long recovery period and leaves a considerably sized scar, large enough and prominent enough that most men who undergo a FUSS procedure are not able to wear their hair short again, as it would reveal the scar and look unsightly.

There is an alternative to FUSS in the FUE hair transplant. The FUE hair transplant (FUE stands for follicular unit extraction) is far less extreme of a procedure as it works by harvesting naturally hair groups. These hair clusters usually contain around two to four hair in total, but can contain up to eight. The hair clusters, once harvested, are then implanted to an area or areas where balding has become pronounced. The entire procedure will typically take about eight hours, but the recovery period is not significant.

There are many reasons that a FUE hair transplant is ideal in comparison a FUSS transplant, as any hair transplant surgeon can go into detail about. For one, FUE hair transplant procedures do not leave behind a scar, ideal for men who are looking for a great deal of freedom in their self expression and hair styles available to them. A FUE hair transplant, because it less invasive and less drastic, leaves far less opportunity for infection and rejection of the implants when compared to a FUSS procedure.

Balding is a common concern in all places in the United States. It changes the lives of tens of millions of men and women alike all within the country’s borders, and can have a negative impact on confidence, so much so that many people experiencing hair loss are willing to trade it all away in order to have a full head of hair again. Fortunately, there are some viable methods of hair replacement procedure, such as a FUE hair transplant, that can give back the ideal full head of hair again, or at least mitigate some of the balding process.