The traditional school year is a struggle from some students. From children who have scored high on an ADD assessment and for students who are on the Autism spectrum, many settings can be a challenging. By working closely with classroom teachers and other school resources, however, parents can help their students succeed.
the latest research indicates that 20% of children in the U.S. have learning and attention issues such as dyslexia and ADHD, but 48% of parents believe incorrectly that children will outgrow these difficulties. And while this is occasionally the case, the reality is that once a student has been diagnosed with an ADD assessment, it is important to acknowledge this challenge and and work toward adaptations that can help every child succeed.
As challenging as the school year can be for some students, the summer months are even more so. Many students appreciate a routine and many of the students who have been identified after an ADD assessment and some types of neuropsychological testing also have more success when they are on an active schedule. In fact, for many students SUMMER CAMP experiences provide a way to continue the progress that they are making during the school year. With a variety of options available, these summer month options provide an opportunity for children to excel year round.
- Some parents look forward to the end of the school year because of all the free time that they will have. Working parents, however, are often concerned about the schedules of their children without the school day structure.
- Using summer camps as a way to keep your children busy over the summer is a great way to make sure that your kids are leanrning new skills at a soccer camp or studying engaging new concepts in engineering.
- Many summer camps include overnight stays. Whether it is for a single night or an entire week, overnight camps are a chance for children to learn independence and practice responsibility.
- Making reservations early often requires a deposit. And while you might be reluctant to pay a deposit, without planning ahead you might not be able to get a spot in the camps that you are most interested in.
- Every child has some interests that can turn into a summer camp opportunity. From getting acting experience in a theater camp to improving basketball skills at a strength, conditioning, and shooting camp, your child can finish the summer ready to particpate and compete in the things that they love the most.
- Rsearch shows that multi sport athletes are more successful. Instead of focusing on just one sport, a growing number of parents are nerolling their children in a variety of sports camps during the summer.
- Counselors can help campers tackle new challenges. From 10 mile hikes to climbing a rock wall, a summer camp is an opportunity to let student’s expand their horizons and build their endurance.
- Any time you have a chance to make sure that your children are in a safe and productive place you can enjoy the summer while your children are enjoying themselves and being active at the same time.
- Making a schedule for your summer can help you look forward to the days off school and the summer months when your children can have a break from studying and long days in the classroom.
- Putting your child in a summer camp that provides a chance to be outside and enjoy nature is a great way to make sure your children appreciate their surroundings and help them keep a holistic perspective.
Whether you have recently received news from an ADD assessment or Autism testing, it is important that you learn as much about the diagnosis that you have received. Both during the school year and during the summer months there are many resources available for families and their students. From summer camps to accommodations during the traditional school day, the estimated 6.4 million American children between the ages four and 17 who have been diagnosed with ADHD can find a way to be successful in a variety of settings. Although ADD, ADHD, and Autism are all separate conditions, they can all be successfully handled in both classrooms and summer camps.