Back pain has become an epidemic in the United States, and it’s important to understand why and what you can do if you experience problems. Visiting chiropractors can sometimes fix the problem because it might be related to your posture or the way you live your life. However, you might search for other issues such as, “pain around spine or pain in lower left back side of abdomen female,” which might need further medical attention, such as visits to a general practitioner or a neurologist.

If you find yourself thinking I have pain when I lay on my back, you might want to get checked. A chiropractor is the first option, and they can refer to another doctor if their treatments don’t offer pain relief. You should understand that pain in your spine has to be taken seriously, especially if it doesn’t go away with time. You don’t want to ignore anything that could affect your health or prevent you from performing daily tasks.
No matter your age, you shouldn’t have debilitating back pain, but it’s a common medical problem that can happen for several reasons, such as weight and habits. Let’s find out more about this pain and what you can do to fix it!

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints. People are working more and are taking on more responsibilities than ever before, leading to chronic back and neck pains. The spine is the powerhouse of the body and if it is not functioning properly, it can cause a lot of stress and pain. Additionally, many people who are dealing with chronic back and spine issues may be at a loss for options. However, with the increase of technology, the medical world is also advancing quickly on the treatment of chronic spine issues.

A recent market research report indicates that more than 1.5 billion people worldwide suffer from chronic pain and that approximately 3-4.5% of the global population suffers from neuropathic pain, with incidence rates increasing in complementary to age. Chronic pain can affect a patients mind and body, leading to depression and anxiety from suffering from multiple levels of pain on a daily basis. Many patients may be sent to physical therapy as a solution for their neck and back care, often leaving them in worse or the same shape as before.
When asked about four common types of pain, respondents of a National Institute of Health Statistics survey indicated that low back pain was the most common (27%), followed by severe headache or migraine pain (15%), neck pain (15%), and facial ache or pain (4%). With lower back pain being so common, it is disappointing that there are not many doctors that are considered to be a back pain expert. A back pain expert is a medical professional that is well experienced and well researched in the diagnoses, treatment and care of back pain problems.
A great back pain expert should be someone who understands the treatment options for chronic back pains that actually work. Newer advances in medical treatments are becoming available, including artificial disc replacement. Many people are suffering from affected discs of their spine, which is a primary cause for their chronic pain. Modern neurosurgery has quickly become the leading back pain expert. The procedure that is done by a neurosurgeon, involved creating new discs and replacing the ones that are affected or are damaged. With newly created discs, the patient can feel a great reduction in their pain levels.
The total incremental cost of health care due to pain ranges from $560 billion (in 2010 dollars) in the United States, which combines the medical costs of pain care and the economic costs related to disability days and lost wages in productivity. Many Americans with chronic back pain find it difficult to hold a job, thus costing money on the federal disability system. A great back pain expert can greatly reduce these costs, by providing alternative surgeries to these patients, allowing them to return to work quicker and more often.
Chronic back pain is a huge problem in the United States. There are many Americans who are constantly dealing with lower back pain, without many options for treatment. Many of them do not even get appropriate or quick enough diagnoses. However, medical treatments are advancing, and alternative surgeries are emerging. It is hopeful that these surgeries will help treat and prevent any additional back pains from occurring.