Playing sports comes with a lot of inherent risks, and it’s almost impossible to stay healthy through an entire season. When sports injuries inevitably happen, it’s crucial to seek a professional orthopedic surgeon that is well-versed in identifying and treating your specific problem.
Sports injuries know no bias and some are more serious than others. Some are as minor as a sprained ankle, while more serious injuries like a torn ACL can sideline you for an extended period of time. Here are three common sports injuries and the benefits of seeking quality orthopedic care to treat them:
Shoulder injuries. Shoulder injuries are the fifth most common injury among high school athletes, and for good reason. Even a sport like soccer, which requires little to no use of the arm, results in thousands of serious shoulder injuries every year. A serious shoulder injury left untreated can inhibit your use of the arm for years to come, affecting you well into adulthood. It’s important to find a surgeon that will not only eliminate the pain, but reverse the damage done to your shoulder.
Ankle injuries. Sports require you to be quick on your feet, and every athlete knows the excruciating pain of landing awkwardly on an ankle. About 60% of all ankle injuries for Americans age 17 and older were sprains or strains. When sprains add up, the ankle weakens to the point that it can no longer perform at a high level, and surgery is sometimes needed. A great sports medicine doctor will identify the problem in its early stages and get you back on the field or court in no time.
Knee injuries/ACL reconstruction. An ACL repair is a serious operation, and you should only trust the most qualified surgeon you can find to perform your ACL surgery. One of the most important benefits in seeking professional care is to limit recovery time. A great sports medicine doctor can expedite the healing process and make your knee even stronger than it was before the injury.
If you or your child ever experiences any of the above injuries, seek medical help immediately to limit any long-term effects that may come with them. Quality orthopedic care is the first step to properly rehabilitating from the injury and coming back stronger than ever.