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Baby Boomers Want Senior Living Options With Wireless Internet and Exercise Classes

Baby Boomers Want Senior Living Options With Wireless Internet and Exercise Classes

Health and FitnessNov 3, 20164 min read

The world has changed considerably in the past few decades: the advent of the internet has made it easier to shop, to learn new things, and to communicate with friends and family. As our quality of life continues to improve,…

Doctors Can Now Print Models of Patient Tumors Using New 3D Scanning Technology

Doctors Can Now Print Models of Patient Tumors Using New 3D Scanning Technology

Health and FitnessOct 31, 20164 min read

While recent male injectable birth control trials were largely successful, the test subjects experienced so many mood swings and reported so many instances of depression that scientists temporarily shelved the project. Women have more options for birth control, and they…

Getting Your Gratitude On to Ease Anxiety

Getting Your Gratitude On to Ease Anxiety

Health and FitnessOct 28, 20164 min read

Anxiety isn’t an uncommon condition. Between the stresses of work, family, relationships, career building, finances, and physical health, there isn’t always much time to focus on oneself. Recreation has become something mostly reserved for weekends and vacations, and even those…

5 Ways to Handle an Emergency With Children

5 Ways to Handle an Emergency With Children

Health and FitnessOct 28, 20164 min read

Having an emergency of any kind with your child can be nerve wracking. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple matter of running late to a party, having an accident in the park, needing emergency dental procedures or a trip…

How Can I Maintain Good Eye Health?

How Can I Maintain Good Eye Health?

Health and FitnessOct 24, 20164 min read

How is your eyesight doing? Taking good care of your eyes is one of the many necessities of staying healthy overall and a concern many Americans are having as they switch insurance plans and become more health-conscious. With age-related issues…