Sports fans often want to stay in shape. Coming up with a 1 week aerobic exercise plan can help you to accomplish this goal. For most people, having a variety of activities to enjoy can help them to stay on track with their program. With proper planning, you can enjoy your 1 week aerobic exercise plan and benefit greatly from it. Once the initial week is over, you may realize that you actually enjoy working out now and decide to create a new plan.
Your 1 week aerobic exercise plan should be customized to suit your needs. Thinking about the things you like to do may help you to come up with ideas that you can use during the week. As you’re setting up your 1 week aerobic exercise plan, consider these options.
Prep Your Yard

You don’t have to leave home for your 1 week aerobic exercise plan if you plan properly. If you own your home, you can prepare your yard for all the activities you’ll do during your 1 week aerobic exercise plan.
Start out by determining how you want to set up the space. This may require you to have some work done to the yard. If you need a space cleared so you can have a dedicated workout area, contact a tree removal service to handle the land clearing. Removing trees is dangerous work that requires specialized equipment, so leaving it to the professionals is your best option.
Certain aerobic activities, such as playing basketball, will require you to have a paved area. A paving contractor can give you a price estimate for paving and provide you with a timeline for getting the job done.
You’re also more likely to enjoy working out and sticking with it if the area around your workout space looks nice. Consider having a landscaper come in to help you create a look that will inspire you to get your workout done each day.
Since you’ll be spending your time getting your workouts in, consider hiring a local lawn care service to take care of regular yard maintenance. You’ll be able to focus on planning your workouts and getting your activities done instead of worrying about cutting the grass.
There are many activities you can do in a workout space in the yard. Bring out a mat to do yoga or stretches. Create a track around the perimeter of the yard so you can walk or run laps. Do exercise videos, make an obstacle course, or do high-intensity interval training. Your yard is a blank canvas that you can set up how you want to do all of your preferred exercises.
Install a Home Pool
If you love to swim, a home pool is a great activity to add to your 1 week aerobic exercise plan. Having a pool installed will take a bit of time. Working with a pool installation company to have this done is best, as professionals know exactly what codes must be followed and what permits need to be obtained.
Plan to have a pool filling service stop in when the pool installation is complete, as it would take a very long time to fill a completely empty pool if using a regular garden hose. Some pool installation companies provide this service when they complete the installation of the pool.
People who have pools at home can often find a variety of workouts to do in them. If you think you’ll want to swim laps, you should have a pool starting block or a diving platform installed. Diving boards and slides are also options to consider if the pool will also be used for recreational purposes.
The pool is a versatile workout tool. You can swim laps, do water aerobics, or practice survival swimming techniques as part of your 1 week aerobic exercise plan. Remember, the water provides resistance while you work out, so you may notice that a shorter workout in the water wears you out faster than one on land. Be sure to wear waterproof sunscreen in the pool to avoid getting sunburn.
Create an Indoor Gym
An indoor gym is a great idea since you’ll it allows you to work out even when it’s raining or snowing. The contents of the indoor gym will depend on what types of activities you enjoy. For some people, a basic weight room with a few aerobic machines, such as a treadmill or elliptical trainer, is all that’s necessary. Others might want more customized indoor gym solutions.
If you enjoy playing football, soccer, or another sport, you may consider having an artificial turf floor in part of the indoor gym. This provides you with a more realistic surface to do drills and play games if those are part of your 1 week aerobic exercise plan.
Always try to think of new activities you can do in your indoor gym. This will help prevent you from getting bored during your workouts. A variety of workouts you can do in the home gym can help keep you encouraged to move and stay active.
Shoot Some Hoops

Basketball is a great option for a 1 week aerobic exercise plan, especially if you’re competitive. Having a court at your home means you can play whenever you feel the urge to do so. Of course, it’s important to keep the court in good shape to ensure that you stay safe while playing.
If you notice any cracks or other defects on the surface, contact a company that handles basketball court refinishing to have it taken care of. This helps to ensure that you don’t end up suffering an injury because you trip on the cracks or an uneven surface.
Invite some of your other sports fan friends to come play basketball with you. Even if you don’t want to play an actual game, they can still do shooting and defense drills or play a game like HORSE with you. The key here is that you and your friends can have fun playing on the basketball court at your home. This can be a fun activity to add to your 1 week aerobic exercise plan.
You can also use the basketball court when you don’t feel up to playing ball. Running speed drills from one goalpost to the other and back again is a good way to get your heart rate up. This can quickly get you some steps in, and it’s an amazing workout.
You must ensure that you aren’t pushing yourself too hard when you’re on the court, as the blacktop attracts and holds heat. Pay close attention to how you feel and rest as necessary, especially when it’s hot outside — the heat can wear you out faster than you realize.
Go to Your Local Golf Course
Playing golf is a good way to get exercise. There are a few things to consider when you’re planning a golf outing as part of your 1 week aerobic exercise plan because there are ways to increase the calories you burn while you’re on the course.
One option is to be your own caddy. Carrying your own bag, even one that’s on rollers, can provide you with resistance as you walk the course. Be sure to carry your bag yourself at home before you head out so you know you’ll be able to do it on the course. If you have any doubts, it’s best to use a caddy so you don’t get stuck in the middle of the course.
Another option that you have is to bypass the golf cart rental. Walking the course increases the number of steps you can get in during the round of golf. Be sure to consider the layout of the course before you decide to do this. Sometimes, the hills and other features of the course will make it difficult to walk without a golf course.
Playing golf with a partner is fun. If you’re doing this, consider using the golf cart rental even if you don’t think you’ll need it. You and your partner can take turns driving the cart so you have the security of knowing that you can get back to the clubhouse even if you start to get tired. You can even pack some healthy foods to have a picnic on the course. Throwing an ice chest on the golf cart means you can bring snacks and have cold beverages on the course.
If you’re concerned about how long you’ll be on the course, consider doing a half course of nine holes instead of doing the full round of 18 holes. This still provides you with a great chance to exercise without spending the full day on the course.
Play Some Baseball

Baseball is another activity that you can add to your 1 week aerobic exercise plan. Whether you want to do hitting drills or play an actual game, baseball can provide good exercise. As soon as you add baseball to your 1 week aerobic exercise plan, be sure you have all the baseball equipment you need. At a minimum, you need a bat, ball, batting helmet, and glove.
If you have children, this is an activity you can do with them. Consider asking some of the local kids and parents if they want to play a fun baseball game at a diamond near your neighborhood. The more people you have playing, the more fun you may have.
Consider doing some silly activities while you’re playing baseball. One idea for a hot summer day is using water balls instead of traditional baseballs. These provide a quick splash when they’re pitched or hit, which can encourage some laughter that might make this a more pleasurable aerobic activity.
Pay attention to how your arms are feeling when you’re playing baseball, especially if you haven’t played in a while. It might surprise you how sore you get from batting and pitching.
Tips to Improve Your Success With Your 1 Week Aerobic Exercise Plan

Remember that you should always eat a healthy diet and stay hydrated if you want to get as fit as possible and stay that way. Living a healthy lifestyle means you’ll have to stay active, even after you finish your 1 week aerobic exercise plan.
Before you start any exercise, you should ensure your body is ready for it. Take the time to stretch as part of your warm-up and make sure you do a cooldown. This can help to prevent injuries that could put a halt to your 1 week aerobic exercise plan. Never try to power through an injury. Always get medical care and follow the doctor’s instructions for recovery. Failing to do this could lead to a worsened situation that would completely prevent you from being able to work out at all.
Plan to take time off from working out during the 1 week aerobic exercise plan. Your muscles need time to recover, so doing activities that work out the exact same muscles for seven days in a row isn’t a good idea. Your off days don’t have to be activity-free. Instead, switch up to a lighter activity, such as walking, just to give your body a chance to rest.
Anyone who wants to start a 1 week aerobic exercise plan should have clearance from their doctor. Some medical conditions will require modifications to some activities. Others may prevent a person from being able to do certain exercises at all.