Many people struggling with opioid addiction are looking for ways to treat their addictions. Opioids are incredibly harmful to the body and can take a huge mental and physical toll once you are addicted. In this video, you will learn a little bit more about one treatment method, a suboxone program.
The video explains that the opioid epidemic started in the late 1990s.
From there, it has grown under horrible leadership and inaction from the government. Heroin and synthetic opioids are among the most common types of opioids that people become addicted to.
Now, it may sound strange to fight fire with fire, but suboxone is a controlled medication that doctors can prescribe to help alleviate those struggling with opioid addiction. Suboxone, partnered with a careful watch from a treatment center, is actually proven to help addiction. Behavioral therapy is typically used alongside suboxone in order to really make the treatment stick and prevent relapsing.
If you or a loved one are struggling with opioid addiction, continue watching the video above and the linked channel to learn more. You can also reach out to a suboxone clinic for more information on the treatment method. We hope that you find the information you need.