If you are over 30, you’re probably starting to see wrinkles forming around your eyes, mouth, and maybe even on your forehead. Don’t be alarmed by this, as everyone starts to lose a percentage of collagen every year. Collagen is the tissue in the body that gives your skin that springy, youthful look.
But fear not, there are several wrinkle treatments that you can find to help restore your skin, and make you feel at least a few years younger.
One of the best wrinkle treatments on the market is juvederm. Juvederm injections consists of hyaluronic acid, which helps so to plump up the skin. Unlike other similar treatments, juvederm is manufactured into a gel-like substance so that the skin looks much smoother.
Botox cosmetics has been one of the most popular treatments in recent years for wrinkles, and it could be right for you. Botox is made up of a protein and toxin that is supposed to paralyze muscles near the injection site. Essentially, the muscles that contract and form wrinkles will be stopped in their tracks, and your skin will begin to look unruffled and even.
You could also talk to a cosmetic surgeon about fraxel or thermage. These are treatments that involve using electronic devices to restore your skin. Fraxel achieves its goal using a laser to make minute incisions deep into the skin. This subsequently activates new collagen production under the dermis, and eliminates older, dead skin cells.
Thermage is slightly different in that radiofrequency is utilized to produce a similar effect. The energy waves breach the surface of the skin and reach down deep into all the layers, using these waves to tighten and restructure the collagen. This produces a fuller, more robust appearance.
So, if you are looking for great wrinkle treatments, juvederm injections, Botox, thermage and fraxel are some of your options. The results will be worth the investment. Find out more here.