Cosmetic Procedures

Cosmetic Procedures

admin April 17, 2013

Acne laser treatment

If you are interested in or considering a cosmetic procedure, there are numerous to consider, from hair laser massachusetts removal to an IPL photofacial. First of all, Botox, a non surgical cosmetic procedure that can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, primarily on the face, is a very popular cosmetic procedure; Botox Cosmetic treatments bring in an annual revenue of $1.3 billion. Botox was approved in 1989 when the FDA approved botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of both strabismus and blepharospasm (spasms of the eyelid muscle). The name “Botox” was coined shortly thereafter by pharmaceutical company Allergan. Botox injections may take from three to seven days before the patient sees the full effect, and the treatment can last for up to six months.

However, there are also numerous other cosmetic procedures to consider. For example laser hair removal, such as laser hair removal Boston or laser hair removal Massachusetts, can also be a great option to remove unwanted hair. You may also want to look into other treatments, such an Ipl photofacial. Overall, however, prior to undertaking any kind of comsetic surgery it is crucial to do some research and understand all of the risks. You will also want to talk with a doctor prior to undertaking a procedure, such an IPL photofacial.