Everyone?s been there before. It?s 6 o?clock on a Friday evening and your cold has gotten so bad that you cannot imagine waiting until Monday to get into your normal doctor or it?s 4 o?clock on Thursday evening and your child cuts their finger with the scissors, and your normal doctor?s office is closing in just a few minutes. Even if they weren?t, they require an appointment, which you just don?t have time for. What do you do? You debate going to the emergency room, but hesitate because of the long waits, and although your issue is urgent, it isn?t exactly serious enough to warrant a trip to the emergency room. Over the past few years, the creation of a walk in clinic has become increasingly popular. A walk in clinic allows people to see a doctor when it cannot wait until an appointment can be made, but isn?t quite serious enough for emergency room care. Many are open extended hours, long after regular doctors? offices have closed.
There are many issues that a walk in clinic is available for. The most common diagnosis in an urgent care center was that of upper respiratory condition, and the most common procedure was wound repair in 2012. Additionally, four out of five urgent care centers provide fracture care. After hours urgent care is available to patients on a walk in basis for common colds, respiratory issues, wounds, sprains and fractures, back pains and even elderly falls. An appointment is never required, and patients are often seen pretty quickly.
Eighty-five prevent of urgent care centers are open seven days a week, making them extremely convenient when a doctor?s assistance is needed. They are available to ask the doctors questions when medical advice is all that is needed. They are also a great way to find doctors, such as specialists and primary care doctors referrals. Generally, after a visit and an exam are completed at a walk in clinic, the patient will be asked to follow up with their primary care doctor. If they do not have one, they can be referred to one to ensure the issue is cared for.
A walk in clinic is a convenient way to handle any medical concerns after hours. It can also be beneficial during regular doctor hours when an appointment cannot be made the same day. Many doctors? offices require weeks to months? notice. When a medical issue cannot wait, people have the option of seeing an urgent care doctor in a walk in clinic.