My father is a pretty healthy person, in terms of eating and exercise and staying away from tobacco and alcohol. At his regular doctor’s appointment when he had just turned 50, the doctor told him he had the heart of a 20 year old. His heart looked younger than his kids. Talk about life goals! It’s so great watching my dad play with the grand kids and be able to get down on the ground with the little ones and play sports with the older ones with virtually no problems even though now he’s almost 60; all because of his resolve to stay healthy.
Living a healthier life is a goal everyone of us should aspire to and it’s never to late to start! If you think you the only reason a 60 year old man can be as spry as a younger man is because he dedicated his entire life to eating like a rabbit and exercising in every spare minute, you’re wrong. My father did not even think about health until he was 40. He was never overweight but I remember us eating dessert almost every night growing up and not having any idea how bad for you things like pasta and white bread and red meat were. Exercise? He was a computer engineer, working from home. He sat at desks all day long. The most exercise he got was when he walked downstairs in the morning and back up at night. His wake up call was when he was almost 40 when he did some research and realized how crucial diet and exercise was to the quality of life he’ll have later. From that point on, although he didn’t go crazy, he did begin to eat more natural and unprocessed foods and exercise a few times a week. My point in saying all that is this, whatever age you are at now and at whatever stage of life, you can start now. It’s not to late!
Here are a few basics of a scientific diet that you can sink your teeth into (pun intended.) A scientific diet is basically the type of diet that can be backed up by science, so you know it’s factually based, not just my opinion.
- Breakfast isn’t as important as we’ve been told. No meal is more important than the other. Focus on calorie intake and the type of foods you consume.
- Eating a big dinner is fine even if it’s late at night, just make sure you are not over eating.
- Set a calorie count and stick to it. It doesn’t matter how, five smaller meals or two big meals; just make sure what you are eating is in the scientific diet.
- Research done at the University of Utah showed that people who fasted just one day a month were actually 40% less susceptible to clogged arteries.
- You really can not have too much protein (inside of your calorie allowance). Actually, if you eat more protein, you will burn more calories.
Diet isn’t just for losing weight, it can help with alternative therapies for digestive disorders. There are even herbal remedies for fatigue and headache and all sorts of conditions. Eating right really can change your life, if you want it to.