No medication works perfectly. None are without side effects and not all forms of medication is right for everyone. This is the same case for methadone treatment. For over 50 years, methadone has proven to be the most effective treatment for individuals afflicted with opiate addiction. Methadone clinics have used methadone treatments as a substitution therapy to help fight heroin addiction. A methadone clinic would administer methadone to patients and it would service as a opiate replacement medication. Methadone treatment centers view this method as a very safe and controlled way to treat treat opiate addiction since it been so effective in helping patients manage their cravings the symptoms of withdrawal. On methadone, individuals are kept from getting high on other opiates that are deemed harmful while they kick the habit all together.
The goal of a methadone clinic is to help the patients get their life back together through proper medical supervision and effective treatment programs. Methadone treatment success rates range from 60% to 90%, and outcomes improve the longer a patient remains in treatment. Let?s take a closer look at some of the advantages of attending a methadone clinic for treatment.
Methadone rehab treatment works very well
Several research and studies have proven receiving methadone treatment from a methadone clinic works extremely well when treating patients addicted to opiates. The treatment program has been said to provide a feeling of relief against withdrawal symptoms and while the methadone effects last between 24 and 36 hours. On methadone patients say they don?t seem to have the urge or craving to use other opiates. The desire is completely suppressed.
The Cost of Methadone rehab is much less than other programs used to treat addiction Pregnant addicts and unborn children do much better at a Methadone clinic While not everyone likes using a methadone clinic due to the side effects. However it all depends on the person themselves. Some may say the same about using other forms of opiate addiction treatment. One thing is for sure, methadone treatment does in fact work and no other programs work as good It helps to eradicate what keeping the person addicted; the cravings and symptoms of withdrawal. Without those two factor, it?s much easier for someone to kick the drug habit and get their life back together.
Methadone treatment helps to increase the odds of pregnant addicts having a health birth. Opiate withdrawals put the unborn fetus in harm’s way, but these symptoms can be avoided if methadone treatment is used to treat the pregnant patient. Furthermore, pregnant patients at a methadone clinic receive better neonatal and prenatal care than any other program. When the opiate withdrawal symptoms start to become to much for the mother and unborn child to deal with, doctors recommends a methadone treatment program as an alternative.