Thanks to recent advances in medicine, it seems that more and more people are talking about low T or low Testosterone. Low T affects around 25% of American men over the age of 30. In the past decade, several new options for hormone replace therapy (HRT) have been developed, which allow men to increase their low T to a normal level and avoid unpleasant side effects. If you or someone you know if affected by low T, here a few important facts to understand:
1) It Can Affect Fertility Low T can affect your ability to have a child because of its impact on overall health, sex drive, and sperm production. The CDC has found that around 11% of couples experience secondary infertility. Secondary infertility affects couples who have previously had a child and struggle to conceive again for over a year. Infertility can be caused by many things, including smoking as few as 5 cigarettes a day, and there are more treatments available than ever before. Depending on the cause of the infertility, there are a variety of treatments including medicine, surgical interventions, artificial insemination, and other procedures classified within assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization. When trying to find the cause of infertility, make sure to consider hormonal issues such as low T.
2) It Is Not Just About Getting Older Though it was once believed that low T was just a side effect of aging, there is now reason to believe that low T symptoms and causes are also linked to some chronic health conditions, like diabetes, high blood pressure, and even depression.
3) There’s A Simple Blood Test Today, physicians no longer rely on symptoms to indicate low T, but rather can perform a simple blood test to check testosterone levels. These can be performed at most physician’s offices, but there are also specialty low T centers that specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of this condition.
4) You Have Treatment Options Because this condition affects so many men, scientists are constantly advancing the ways that it can be treated. Testosterone can be administered in a variety of ways including shots, gels, and even implants that release a constant stream of the hormone for several months. Make sure you discuss your options for treatment with your physician to find the best option for you.
5) You Will Feel Better After Treatment Low T can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and decreased sex drive. Incorporating testosterone replacement medicines can alleviate many of these issues and greatly improve your quality of life.
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