Whether you’re a man or a woman, hair loss is far from uncommon no matter where you look in the world. In fact, more than 35 million men in the United States alone are dealing with hair loss. And while hair loss is typically associated with men, many women struggle with the condition as well – more than 20 million of them throughout the confines of this one country alone. For many people, this means that hair loss will be somewhat inevitable.
The data supports this, showing that hair loss can happen much earlier on in life than many realize. For instance, more than half of all men in this country will be experiencing some level of hair loss all by the time that they reach the still relatively young age of 35. And by the time that most men reach middle age, up to 85% of them will have experienced hair loss if not complete balding. Some men will even begin to lose their hair quite early on in life, as soon as their early 20s or even, in rarer cases, before.
It is important to understand that there are a number of different causes for hair loss, both in men and women alike. For one thing, conditions like alopecia can cause hair loss in both sexes. So too can simple genetic predisposition, such as male pattern baldness. As a matter of fact, male pattern baldness is so prevalent as to cause as many as 95% of all hair loss cases, at least when we look at the hair loss that is experienced by the male population.
But no matter why you are losing your hair, hair loss can be quite devastating indeed, something that any hair loss doctor is likely to easily be able to attest to. In fact, the data also very much backs this up, showing that nearly half of all people who are losing hair would willingly spend all of their money to get their hair back. And more than half of all hair loss patients – up to 60% of them, to be more precise – would prioritize getting their hair back over even their friendships and the other such relationships in their lives. It is clear that losing one’s hair can have a negative impact on many people’s lives.
Fortunately, there is likely a hair loss doctor out there who can help. From the hair transplant surgeon to the hair loss expert, finding a credible and well established hair loss doctor has truly become a simpler thing than ever before. When you’re working with this hair loss doctor, it is likely that you will be able to get to the root of your hair loss (no pun intended) and begin to develop a plan for combatting it – or even reversing it quite dramatically.
Many a hair loss doctor will ultimately recommend one of the available hair transplant procedures given today. There are a few different types, and it will be important to discuss things with your hair loss doctor. This is critical for ultimately deciding what the right course of action is for you, as this can easily differ from patient to patient.
For instance, the FUSS procedure is a common hair loss procedure performed by many a hair loss doctor throughout the United States. The FUSS procedure works by removing a strip of skin from an area of the head where hair is still growing in fully. This strip, complete with hair, is then transplanted to the part of the scalp where hair loss has become or is becoming prominent.
The FUE hair transplant procedure is also common. This procedure involves the removal of naturally occurring hair clusters, sometimes of up to seven or eight strands of hair, instead of an entire strip of scalp. This can be ideal for many reasons, including that there will be no huge scar leftover and a much lower chance of contracting an infection in the healing process that must occur after such procedures. It is also true that FUE procedures boast faster healing times in general as well.
At the end of the day, hair loss can be treated and reversed with the right hair loss doctor.